How’s everyone doing? It’s Map Release time.
As promised here’s the version 1.0 of my new map ‘Somewhere In Canada’

Welcome to Somewhere in Canada, a fully-featured 2x map located near the Okotoks region of Calgary, Canada.
Version 1.0

– Custom crop textures by “forgotten plants” and custom corn stubble and soybeans in rows from CCS101.
– Multi-Terrain Angle installed, using 32 angles.
– Increased fillTypes to support Seasons, StrawHarvest, maizeplus mods.
– Custom Traffic speeds ranging from 30mph to 55mph with increased collision triggers.
– Map is Seasons ready with snow mask and custom Geo inbuilt.
– Foliage layers will change colors according to seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter)
– Custom lighting, orange sunrise and sunset, darker nights, denser clouds.
– Around 50 fields, ranging from medium to large.
– 4 farm areas on the map with 4 cow barns and 1 pigsty.
– Sheds are included in the map as Placeable.
– Start farm includes 1 cow barn and 1 pigsty with default vehicles.
– There are custom silos for each farm.
– All farms have water and fuel triggers. I left out the house trigger so players can add their own houses.
– A BGA plant can be found at the south side of the map which includes 2 large silage pits.
– 12 sell points including wood, woodchips, cotton, milk, eggs, grains, etc. Most of them match to real companies in the region.
– Custom signboards with lighting for all the sell points.
– There is a Case Dealership at the center of the map, an animal dealer, 3 lime stations scattered near farms.
– Alfalfa crop added that re-grows multiple times per season can be baled and fed to cows.
– BeanStraw and CornStalk added and can be baled, sold for a good price.
– Proper crop destruction for wheat, barley, canola, corn, etc.
– Added sell point for chaff, for those that don’t want to mess with making silage like me.
– Transport missions are included.

Version 1.2
– Updated Farmlands, now the whole map is buyable
– Fixed issue with grass bales, now grass and alfalfa produce the bales appropriately
– Removed the wrong cultivated texture and replaced with the original
– Added opening on a highway near the farm to enter/exit both the lanes
– Added spruce and pine trees in the forestry area
– Fixed issue in cow barns where the food spillage is buried underground

NOTE: New Save Game is required.

Version 1.1
Fixed collision map issue where harvester doesn’t drop straw in few fields.
New Save Game is required.


Map Models & objects: Giants Software, CCS101, Serious Mods, Reaper Mods, DR Modding, AW Modding, MRG Mapping, NoCreekFarms, CSA Modding, PM-Modding, Txzar Mapping, and CBJ Midwest Modding, FS-UKGiants RWModding Fatian and TSM, Rory Kain and 4MR modding.

– I apologize if there are objects on the map that are not credited properly. Please drop me a message so that I can update credits. I would always credit people’s work properly.
– I would like to thank Giants Software for creating a platform to create mods and share them across.
– I would like to thank Will(CCS101) for helping me whenever possible during the development of the map. Helping with custom traffic speeds and much more.
– I would like to thank SeriousMods, MRG mapping, DR Modding for letting me use models from their maps.


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